3D | CGI
Virtual Trade Booth

Virtual Trade Booth - HITACHI

A virtual trade booth including a 360 ° view is an ideal compensation for canceled trade fairs. Thanks to the digital and interactive 3D exhibition stand, our customer 'HITACHI - Coding and Marking Solutions' is able to provide global and 24/7 information about new products. Interactive touchpoints enable a quick overview of the information using images, videos, presentations and PDF documents. The digital visitor behavior is analyzed in detail in order to gain knowledge for the continuous and sustainable improvement of the virtual trade booth.

  • Input

    Concept | CAD

  • Service

    Virtual Trade Booth | 3D Rendering

  • High Quality

    8K Resolution

  • Powered by

    Jetzt Agieren Netzwerk

We make your
exhibition digital

A virtual trade fair stand is suitable as a stand-alone solution or as a supplement to a real event as part of a hybrid trade fair. We digitize your product range and make it a virtual and interactive experience for your customers. Complete packages enable quick implementation. We would be happy to advise you on your individual project so that your virtual exhibition booth inspires your customers.

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